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Spiritual Letter 90 -------------"E-mail Version" --------- About Spiritual Letter 90 Title: "The Light, Not The Darkness, Brings Forward The Light From Within Us" Time Period Written: July, 2006 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren)
(without an "Outline & Summary") (of Spiritual Letter 90)
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============================================================== Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 90
Greetings - from heart to heart, if we like
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
Bawa. My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Bawa. Here is a beautiful Spiritual Letter, "Spiritual Letter 90", to our dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren), for your reading, and hopefully, your sharing enjoyment.
Bawa. A Spiritual Letter which "We" have called,
"The Light, Not The Darkness, Brings Forward The Light From Within Us"
Bawa. A Spiritual Letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for this age, which starts to "outline" for you what most of My Children are currently doing wrong, and how to correct their mistake using My Children, that is, using Those of My Children who have truly learned from "Us" how to do it right, so in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within you, that is, there will be nothing still "separate from" God within you.
Bawa. For more on this wisdom point, and the significance of this Spiritual Letter to all of My Children, please click on the Title of the Following Material that is also provided as part of Spiritual Letter 90, all of which is from God within us all, to the Children of God for this age, if you like:
(with an "Outline & Summary") ( ( (
Bawa. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
Bawa. My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
============================================================== Opening Comments - without an "Outline & Summary" (with an "Outline & Summary") Bawa. Here is a beautiful letter to our dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren), who is struggling with the problem facing All of My Children, and that is,
"How to bring forth the Light of God" from within us, when all we currently have is the darkness on the "outside" of us".
Bawa. That is, how do we establish the "Presence of God" within us, and the "Story of God" within us, when all that we currently have is "our presence" and "our story" on the "outside"? A "presence and a story of darkness and evil" within us that we have allowed to grow within us, like weeds growing in "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", and that we refuse to give up, in our ignorance and in our arrogance, no matter what.
Bawa. That is, no matter what God tries to show and tell us to the contrary, like this and many earlier Spiritual Letters from our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, explaining to "us", that is, to the Shadow within each of us, and to "Us", that is, to the Light hidden within our Shadow, and to the Power within that Light, all of which in truth defines us, not just the Shadow, that in truth "We are All One".
Bawa. A "presence and a story of darkness and evil" within us that is only leading us to hell within us, that is, to an eternal hell within us of "separation from" God within us, that is, if we don't become wise before we die to the flesh in our current state, that is, if we don't wise up and find and join with the Light of God within us, in order to bring forth the Light of God within us, in order to dispel the darkness within us, for in truth only the Light of God can bring forth the Light of God within us, not the current darkness within us, not the Shadow which is our current state, as most of My Children are still mistakenly trying to do.
Bawa. In this way, My Dearest Loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters, please open your hearts once again, as they opened before when "We" first come to America, and earlier when we first came to Ceylon, and read this Spiritual Letter from Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen.
Bawa. Please read it over and over again, My Dearest Loving Children, and please get all of My Children to read it, and please start to read it to each other, and please make it the subject of your Fellowship Meetings, and of your Publication efforts, and of all of your Fellowship activities, because all that you are currently doing in your life, and at the Fellowship is only trying to use the darkness within you to bring forward the Light of God within you, and will not work.
Bawa. You need a new way, like the new way that God gave to you when "We" were with you on the "outside" of you, and now that new way is for each of you to again find, accept, join, and become "One with" Us, but this time through My Children, in every way that you can. That is, through those of My Children who have truly done this work of the heart within them, this "Heart's Work" within them, in partnership with God within them before "We" left the "outside" of you, like our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, who through "Us" within Him, and within each of you, is writing this letter to you, to all of the Children of God for this age, which in truth is all of you living in this age, if you like.
Bawa. For in truth there is really only "One of You", that is the One Child of God for this age, which lives within each of you, just waiting to come out of each of you, that is, to come out of at least one of you, to move all of us from "This Earth World" or dunya within each of you to the 'Next World" or "Hereafter" or akhirah within each of you, if you like, for in truth there is also only "One Beast" for this age, which also lives within each of you, also just waiting to come out of each of you, that is, to come out of at least one of you, to destroy the "outside" of all of us, and take us all to an eternal hell within us of "separation from" God within us, if we like.
Bawa. For the Choice is yours, not "Ours", and not "God's" within "Us". That is, the Choice to accept this Spiritual Letter and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen in this way, that is, as now the "Gift of God" for your age, as now the "Word of God" for your age, as now the "Life and Teaching of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, as now the "Word of God Made Flesh" for your age, or not.
Bawa. For in truth, My Dearest Loving Children, which in truth is all of you living in this age, this Spiritual Letter by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, as well as all of the previous Spiritual Letters that He has sent to you, and all of the other material that He has provided for you, that "We" told Him to write and put into an On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library for you (, is in truth "The New Way" for My Children, in order to finish what "We" have started within each of you.
Bawa. That is, to finish using the Light of God to establish the Light of God within each of you, before it is too late to do this "Heart's Work" within you, that is, before you die to the flesh in your current state, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of you, and destroys the "outside" for all of you, sending you on an Express Train to hell within you.
Bawa. That is, if you have not yet become "One with" the "One Child of God" for your age, that is growing within each of you, before the "outside" of all of us is destroyed, that is, before the destruction of the "outside" of us, all of which will most certainly happen in this age, no matter what, when "The Beast" comes out of at least one of you, which is yet to happen, and is then destroyed by the Child of Light, who has already happened, that is, who has already come out of at least one of you.
Bawa. That is, the "Child of Light" which is hidden within each of you, that is, within the "child of darkness and evil" within each of you, that is, hidden within the Shadow of each of you, the "Child of Light" which you must now become "One with" within you, before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of you, to appear on the "outside" of you, and harvests you as "His Crop", and then after he is destroyed on the "outside" of you by the "Child of Light" within us all, takes you along with him to an eternal hell within you of "separation from" God within you as your eternal reward, not because of what God or "We" did, or did not do, or even because of what you did, or failed to do, but because "That is what you want" for eternity, that is, an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you.
Bawa. For as the "Justice of God" that "We" have placed within each of you, teaches us,
"Whatever you intend is what you will receive."
Bawa. For as "We" told you when "We" were living with you on the "outside" of you,
"At the End of Time, which is now, God will send One who will Again tell you everything that was told to you before by the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, who came into the world over and over again. To all of the people, races and religions of the world, but this time with "No Veil".
"And everyone will hear it, and everyone will understand it, and all that is left is "Do you want it", that is, do you want an eternal life as "One with" God within you or do you want an eternal life as "separate from" God within you? For in truth, you can't have both, and in truth there is no other Choice, for everything else that you think is a Choice is not, but rather is just the drama of your own mind and desire, and in truth is only an illusory Choice that is only leading you to an eternal hell within you of "separation from" God within you".
Bawa. And this is "The Truth" of you, My Dearest Loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters. For even all of the teaching of God that "We" gave to you, while "We" were living with you in the world "Was Veiled", because you could not bear to hear the truth.
Bawa. You could not bear to hear the truth that even "Your Own Righteousness" is leading you to hell within you, not taking you to some "Nice Heaven" on another "outside" of you after you die to the current "outside" of you, where you will be with your family, and friends, and children, and wives, and all of those who you love, and who think and act like you. Like all of the Muslims together, or all of the Jews together, or all of the Christians together, or all of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) together, all of which is "Just Not True".
Bawa. Because what you now mistakenly believe you will get from all of your "Righteousness", that is, from all of your "Working for wages to get into heaven", which is happiness, and "nearness to God" is wrong, and will only bring you in the end disappointment.
Bawa. Oh, it may start out as that, as your ideal heaven on the "outside" of you, but gradually your ideal heaven will turn into the depths of hell within you, when you gradually begin to realize "What you have done" with your true life within you, that is, how you have truly wasted it, for the sake of the illusory life on the "outside" of you.
Bawa. That is, "What you have done" with the "Gift of God" within you, during your life on the earth, which is to have not used it, for the sake of using everything that God had discarded from within Himself, to become God within you.
Bawa. That is, you will gradually begin to realize in your ideal heaven, that during your life on the earth you have literally "Missed the point" of it all, which is God within you, and what is "Within God" within you, and what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you. That's it.
Bawa. And in this way, you have not let God within you use your soul life within you, and the wisdom surrounding your soul within you, which in truth is the World of souls within you, to finish what God started within you, a very, very long time ago, by again establishing the "Presence of God" within you which in truth is the Light of your wisdom within you, and in this way, establishing "True Prayer" within you, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, you have not let God within you tell and Complete the "Story of God" within God within you, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, with the intention that in the end, that "No Child Be Left Behind", that in the end, that nothing within you is still "separate from" God within you. Amen
Bawa. All of which is "Your Bank" within God within you, from which you could have joined in partnership with God within you to withdraw from "Within God" within you everything you needed to again become "One with" God within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness" so it would never leave you again.
Bawa. And in this way, with you gradually realizing "What You Have Done" with your life, or more appropriately, "Failed To Do" with your life, while living on the earth, which is to not allow God within you, to use your life, and everything He placed within it, to finish what He started within you, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.
Bawa. All of which in truth is you "separating yourself" from "Yourself", that is, you "separating yourself" from the "Truth of you", and from the "Truth of God" within you, failing like some apple seeds to germinate to the truth of your life, before you die to the flesh, failing to join in partnership with God with you, before you die to the flesh, to let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within you.
Bawa. For in truth "You are" the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and as such, "You are" in truth "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, as an apple seed buried within the earth is in truth the "seed of the apple tree" hidden within it, and as such is the "apple tree happening" within the earth. And in truth God within you is the "Seed of True Man" within the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within you, and as such is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within you, and as such "We are All One" within you.
Bawa. That is, "Us" as the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and God as the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and True Man as the "Sweet Taste of God" within the "Fruit of God", on the "Tree of God" growing within the Creation of God within you, and "You" again as the "Seed of God" within that "Sweet Taste", but this time a 1000 fold, are in truth "All One" within you.
Bawa. And this is the point of your life, My Dearest Loving Children, "Our Oneness" within you, not "your separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, not what you are currently experiencing in your arrogance, and in your arrogance about your ignorance, on the "outside" of you.
Bawa. Please know this now, My Dearest Loving Children, and start to act accordingly, that is, join in partnership with God within you to start to act as "One with" God within you, and to start to act as "One with" each other, and to start to act as "One with" the Creation of God within you, and then "God will Make it So" within you. This is "God's Promise" for our age. This is "God's Guarantee" for our age. Amen.
Bawa. All of which is like the Example that God gives to us, in His Mercy and Compassion, on the "outside" of us, so we can begin to understand what each of "Us" can do within us, if we like, and that is the Example of the apple tree, that is, the Example of the apple seed buried within the earth, which in truth is the "Seed of the apple tree", and as such is the "apple tree happening" within the earth, and the Example of the apple tree hidden within the apple seed, which in truth is the "Seed of the apple fruit", and as such, is the "apple fruit happening" within the "apple tree happening" within the earth, and as such, "They are All One".
Bawa. That is, the Example on the "outside" of us of the apple seed buried within the earth, the apple tree hidden within the apple seed, and the apple fruit hidden within the apple tree, and the sweet taste hidden within the apple fruit, and again the apple seed hidden within the apple fruit and its sweet taste, that in truth "They are All One". That is, if the apple seed buried within the earth will only germinate to the truth within it, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth'" within it. For like each of us, the Choice to do this or not with its life belongs to each apple seed, not to God, for like all people, not all apple seeds germinate to the truth within themselves. Instead, some rot in the earth, eventually dying in the earth, taking on 105 million rebirths, but never again as an apple seed, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and its Fruits", a Story that each apple seed comes to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, to tell.
Bawa. And "We" placed this Example on the "outside" of you, this example of the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit, and of "The Choice", that is, "The Choice" to germinate to the truth within oneself, or not, so each of you could see on the "outside" of you, what you can do within you, if you like. And that is to germinate to the truth within you, allowing the "Truth to surrender to the Truth" within you, and in this way, allowing God within you to finish what God has started within each of you, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.
Bawa. For example , to see on the "outside" of you what has been started within each apple seed buried within the earth, which is the "apple tree happening", and within that the "apple fruit happening", and within that the "sweet taste happening" within the apple, and again, the "apple seed happening", if we like. That is, if the apple seed will only realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth within it, and germinate, letting itself as "separate from" come to an end within itself, and letting Itself as "One with" come to life within itself. That is, letting Itself as "One with" the earth it is buried within, and as "One with" the apple tree hidden within it, and as "One with" the apple fruits hidden within the apple tree, come to life within it. Amen.
Bawa. That is, for each of "you" living on the "outside" of you to see as an Example on the "outside" of you, of what you must do within you, for your life to become truly successful in your lifetime. That is, through the Example of the apple tree, an example of the true difference between heaven and hell within you, between good and evil within you, and between the Qualities of God and of the qualities of the Creation of God within you, which is "To germinate" or "Not to germinate" to the truth hidden within you by God within you, which in truth is the difference within you between either eternal "Oneness with" God within you or eternal "separation from" God within you.
Bawa. "A Choice" which will most certainly happen within each of you, in your lifetime, that is, as you live out your life in the world, as you are currently doing. "A Choice" whether you know it or not, and even whether you like it or not, that is the "True Purpose" of your life, the "True Reason" for your existence, that is, the "True Reason" you were born, your true heritage, your true birthright, the true destiny of your soul.
Bawa. Because in truth "This Choice" is really all that is happening in your life, not what you think in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance is happening on the "outside" of you, all of which is "Just Not True".
Bawa. For "This Choice" determines how you will spend eternity within you, and as such, is the real "Game in Town", and in truth is the "Only Game in Town", not all of your current silliness on the "outside" of you, because in truth the "Consequences of your Choice" is already within each of you. And in this way, your Next Life will be determined by how you live This Life.
Bawa. That is, by the True Choice you make within you, while living This Life, which is simply a Choice between God within you and what God "separated from" Himself, in order to become God within you, all of which is now living within you, not all of the illusory Choices that you think you are making on the "outside" of you, which in truth is "Just a dream", and as such, is "Just Not True". At least this is something to think about a little, Yes?.
Bawa. And what is already within you is Everything, and God, that is, Everything, and the "Power within the Essence of Everything", which is God within you, and what is "Within God" within you, is the Mubarakat of God within you, which is the Wealth of the Three Worlds of God within you, which is heaven and hell, good and evil, and the Qualities of God within you and the qualities of the Creation of God within you, and it is all already within you, within God within you, as the 18,000 Universes within God within you. All of which is your true birthright, your true heritage, the true destiny of your soul, and all of which is within God within you, as "God's Bank" within God within you.
Bawa. Please know this now, My Dearest Loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly. That is, start to withdraw from this "Bank of God" within God within you, for in truth it is "Your Bank" within you, that is, when you join in partnership with God within you to again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh, and it is what truly defines you, not all of the silly stuff you currently think you have, or know, or are doing, on the "outside" of you.
Bawa. And some of what is within "God's Bank" within God within you, you have mistakenly opened within you prematurely, that is, before you awakened the wisdom surrounding your soul, with the "Word of God" for your age, and came to the correct understanding of it, so it is now ruling over you as the 9 openings of your elemental body, with "God's Permission", and that is 1000 of the 18,000 Universes within God within you, which is the world of hell, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within you, which have now become the three sections of your body below the head, but in truth are all living within you.
Bawa. That is, the First Section of "False Creation" within you which is below your waist, which is the earth joined with the water within you, and the Second Section of "False Destruction" within you which is your stomach, which is the earth joined with the fire within you, and the Third Section of "False Life" within you, which is your chest, which is the earth joined with the air, the impure spirits within you, and then of course, your mind and desire, your mind that comes about through the pressure of the air upon the earth within you, and as such is eternal.
Bawa. Your mind which in its current state of arrogance, karma, and illusion, keeps "you" in the state of agitation, disorganization, and bewilderment, and gives rise and supports all of your "False Thoughts", which are like the "ever changing weather above the earth", and in this way, appear to "you" as existing beyond the control of the mind, but in truth are just another reflection of the earth within you, and will sit down in the "Presence of God" within you, if you like.
[Note: For more on this Wisdom Point, about controlling the Thoughts of your mind, which many of My Children are mistakenly interpreting as their wisdom, rather than joining in partnership with God within them, and with My Children who have truly learned to do so, to learn how to do the same, that is, to learn how to "bring their thoughts under their foot" using their wisdom, please click HERE (www.SpiritualLetter Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
Bawa. All of which, along with the two openings below, and the 7 openings in your head, currently make up your elemental life within you, all of which in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance you only see as existing on the "outside" of you, but which in truth is all within you.
Bawa. That is, as the lives of darkness and evil that you have allow to grow within you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, like weeds growing in "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", which was the original state of your heart, of the handful of earth known as Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, but has now changed into a wild forest full of deadly beasts, all of which are nourished by your illusory life of "separation and differences" on the illusory outside of you.
Bawa. And this is why "We" told you when "We" were with you on the "outside" of you, that you must join in partnership with God within you to,
"Close down the world of hell, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within you, re-open the world of souls within you, and then open the kingdom of God within you."
Bawa. And in this way, the only question left in your life, and why you are still here, in this earth world within you, is for You to Decide how and where you will spend eternity within you. That is, either as "One with" or as "separate from" God within you, and in this way, either as heaven or hell within you, and either as goodness or evil within you, and as either the Qualities of God within us, or as the Qualities of the Creation of God within us. And the Choice is your, not "Ours", and not God's within "Us", because that is the way God "Set it Up" within you.
Bawa. And this is why "We" told you while "We" were with you on the "outside" of you, that,
"Your own life decides what you want for eternity. That is, your own life, and more specifically how you have lived it, answers this "Big Question" of your life, that is, the "Big Question", of "What you want for eternity".
"And your life answers this "Big Question" of your life, which in truth is the "Only Question" of your life, not just by your words, which at times can be deceiving, but rather by "How you have lived your life in the world". That is, either as "One with" or as "separate from" God within you, either as "One with" or as "separate from" each other, and even more subtlely, either as "One with" or as "separate from" the Creation of God within you, which in truth is the "Earth of God" within you".
"For the Creation of God or "Earth world" within you, is where God has secretly planted the "Seed of God" within you, which in truth is your soul, and placed the wisdom surrounding your soul, all of which is just waiting to awaken within you, if you will only let it".
"That is, awaken to the "Gift of God" for your age, to the "Word of God" for your age, to the "Life and Teaching of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, so the wisdom surrounding your soul can do battle with the "Enemy of your soul". And in this way, to "Liberate your soul" from its Cross, by pulling out the 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you and sin, that is, of your desire to continue living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".
"That is, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. That is, the Choice to let your wisdom awaken by keeping it before the "Gift of God" for your age, by daily keeping it in the "Presence of God" for your age, to hear and absorb the "Word of God" for your age, which in truth is the "Life and Teaching of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age. And then to join with your awakened wisdom within you against "you", against the "you" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of you, that is, against the "Enemy of your soul". All of which is most certainly your Choice, not God's. Amen".
Bawa. And in this way, My Dearest Loving Children, what Next Happens to you within you, is "Your Choice", not God's Choice, as some of My Children still mistakenly believe, for like the apple seed buried within the earth, each of My Children have within themselves everything that is necessary to germinate to the truth within themselves, and in this way, to reveal God within themselves, to God within themselves, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within them, realizing that "if you do", then God will do "Everything Else", everything else necessary to make your life truly successful in your lifetime.
Bawa. And when God does, when God tells and Completes telling "His Story" within you, then in the end, "You will be within it", as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you. Amen..
Bawa. With God within you first revealing God within you as the "Shepherd and the Tree" within you, as the Qutb and the Nur of God within you, that emerges out of the Shadow within you, which is your current state, that is, if you like. That is, as the wisdom and the Light of Wisdom within you, as the Tree of God within you, as the Katpaha Virudcham or the "Tree of Life' within you, the "Wish Fulfilling Tree" within you, that is, if you like. As the "Tree of Life" within you which literally gives you whatever you ask for, even God within you, that is, if you learn how to ask properly, that is, if you ask as "One with", not as "separate from", as some of My Children are still mistakenly trying to do.
Bawa. With God within you next revealing God within you from within the station of "True Prayer" within you, in this way, revealing True Man within God within you, as the "Fruit of God" within you.
Bawa. All of which, appears as the "Fruit of God" within you, which in maturity reveals the "Sweet Taste of God' within you, which is the station of Allah Muhammad or the Resonance of Allah within you, the station of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, a station and Story that each of My Children have come to this earth world within them, to join as "One with" God within them, within the Creation of God within them, to tell, and to bring to Completion within them, if they like, so in the end, that "No Child Is Left Behind" within them. For in truth , the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen.
Bawa. And in this way, in truth "We" taught you while "We" were with you on the "outside" of you,
"Hell is simply the realization that you have separated yourselves from God within you."
Bawa. For only God within you can return to God within you. For what God has Discarded from within Himself, in order to become God within you, you cannot now use to return to God within you.
Bawa. For as "We" taught you while "We" were with you on the "outside" of you,
"The only thing valuable on the path of God is what belongs to God, not what God has discarded. And what belongs to God is what is "Within God" within you."
Bawa. This is certain. And everything that you now see on the "outside" of you, and everything that you are currently living through within you, are but a reflection of what God discarded from Himself, to become God within you.
Bawa. So to reach God within you, you must become God within the Creation of God within you, that is, you must do what God did to become God within you. That is, you must join in partnership with God within you to do "As God did within Himself" to become God within you. And in this way, to become God within the Creation of God within you, and you must do it in the same way that God did it within Himself, that is by joining in partnership with God within Him, that is, by getting God within Himself to do it again, but this time within Him.
Bawa. So you must get God within you, to do it again, that is, to "Become God Again", but this time within you. That is, you must truly join in partnership with God within you to get God to do it again, that is, to "Cure Himself of you", but this time within you. That is, you must convince God within you to Cure Himself again of the "you" of separation and differences" on the "outside" of you, but this time within you. To Cure Himself of "you" living a life on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".
Bawa. And you do this, by showing God within you, in everything that you "Do or Say or Write" on the "outside" of you, over and over again, until your last breath, as this child has learned to do, that "You can be Cured", that you can be cured of everything that God discarded, to become God within you.
Bawa. That is, that you do not want anything that God has discarded, which is everything that you currently see and are now experiencing on the "outside" of you,
Bawa. And if you do, if you can join in partnership with God within you, day in and day out, to do this over and over again, until your last breath, as this child is doing, then again, God will "Cure Himself of you", but this time within you, and gradually you will disappear within God within you, as God again appears within you, as the "Presence of God" within God within you, and tells and Completes "His Story" within you, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, with the Intention that, in the end, that "No Child Be Left Behind", that in the end, that nothing remains "separate from" God within you. Amen.
Bawa. Please reflect on these beautiful "Words of Wisdom" My Dearest Loving Children, coming from God within each of you, and join in partnership with God within you, by joining in partnership with Our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen on the "outside" of you, to start to act according, that is, to start to act as "One with" God within you, and as "One with" each other, and as "One with" the Creation of God within you, for only then can God within you do "Everything Else".
Bawa. That is, for only then can God within you do everything else necessary within you to make your life truly successful in your lifetime, for only then is your "Intention Praiseworthy", for only then can God usher you ashore, that is, when the true intention for your life within you, for your soul life, is to again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh. It is just this simple. Ok?
Bawa. And if you do, then "We" will accept you, allowing God to accept you, for this is what "We" have now provided for your age, and then you too will become One of My Children who have done this "Heart's Work" within them, while "We" were still living with you on the "outside" of you, but this time through My Children on the "outside" of you, that is, through those of My Children, who truly "Know They Can Fly" within themselves, who have truly established the Light of God within themselves, using the Light of God within Themselves which was "Us' when "We" were living with you on the "outside" of you, and which is now our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, if you like, for again, the Choice is yours, not "Ours, and not "God's, and certainly not Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen's.
Bawa. For in truth, all of you are "My Baby Birds", which in truth is everyone living in your age, but only some of you truly know that "You can Fly" within you, that you can now truly travel to all of the 18,000 Universes within you, if you like, joining "Us" in all of the duties that we still do, but now only within you.
Bawa. And it is now the work of those who "Know They Can Fly", to tell all of My Children, that in truth "They Can Fly" too, and then teach them how to do it, which in truth is so simple.
Bawa. For all you have to do is give up "you", is to truly give up everything you are now holding onto, as what you love and trust, to truly give up everything that now falsely defines you as the "outside" of you, by joining in partnership with God within you to start to again hold onto God, and only God within you, who in truth is "Your Oneness" within your "separation and differences" within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness", so it will never leave you again. Amen.
Bawa. Please, Please, Please do this, My Dearest Loving Children, Please do this while you still can, before you die to the flesh in your current state, and have to go to the "suffering of the grave" within you, where you will meet for the first time the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within you that now rule over you as the 9 openings of your elemental body, and through them be forced to roam the earth world within you as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost, until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within you, and then as part of your judgment at Qiyamah be forced to take on 105 million rebirths, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness or feeling, and in this way, as part of your judgment be forced to take on an eternal hell within you as "separate from" God within you.
Bawa. For in truth, it is either "this or that" within you, it is either Light or darkness within you, it is either good or evil within you, it is either truth or falsehood within you, it is either the qualities of God within you, or the Qualities of the Creation of God within you, and there is really nothing in the middle, as some of My Children still mistakenly believe. For in truth the middle is just a more subtle form of darkness within you, and is just leading you to the same place, to the pits of hell within you. Ok?
Bawa. So in the Name of God within you for your age, which in truth for your age is the Name of your dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of you, is the Name of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), please do this "Heart's Work" within you, in this way, both within you and now again on the "outside" of you, using what God has now given you for this work.
Bawa. For in truth, as "We" told you when "We" were with you on the "outside" of you, that God will only accept you when your Shaikh accepts you, and now in truth, your Shaikh will only accept you when His Children accept you (may God be pleased with each of You). So in the time remaining in your life, please do it like this. For now in your age this is "God's Promise" for your age, this is "God's Guarantee" for your age. Please know it now, and start to act accordingly. Amen.
Bawa. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
Bawa. My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
============================================================== E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 90
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
Bawa. My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Louie Beutler) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Bawa. Here is a beautiful letter to you, My Dearest Loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (may God be pleased with You), from God within us all, to help you in your struggle with the problem facing All of My Children, and that is.
"How to bring forth the Light of God" from within us, when all we currently have is the darkness on the "outside" of us".
Bawa. That is, how do we establish the "Presence of God" within us, and the "Story of God" within us, when all that we currently have is "our presence" and "our story" on the "outside"?
Bawa. A "presence and story of darkness and evil" that we have allowed to grow within us, like weeds growing in "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", and that we refuse to give up, in our ignorance and in our arrogance, no matter what, that is, no matter what God tries to show and tell us to the contrary, like this and many earlier Spiritual Letters to you, and to all of My Children, from within the heart of our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, that in truth "We are All One".
Bawa. Lets start with a review of some of the wisdom points that we have shared over the last month, which became the Title of each of our Spiritual Chats, also over the last month, some of which are now available on-line, like Spiritual Chat 264 (, and Spiritual Chat 265, and Spiritual Chat 271, and Spiritual Chat 274, and Spiritual Chat 275, that is, available through the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (, all of which can also be accessed on-line through the Spiritual Chat - Home Page ( Once there, click on "Latest Chats":
On-line Spiritual Chats From: 6-2-06 To 7-18-06 Between: Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren) And Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Chat Title of Chat Date of Chat Number
262. ------"If You Are Going To Do It, Do It Right, Or Don't Do It" ----------------------------- ---------------------------- 06-02-06
263. ------"Make Bawa Within Us, And God Within Him Our Squaw, Letting Them Serve Us Within Us As We Do Their Duty Within Them Within Us, For This Is The True Shaikh-Disciple Relationship Within Us And Within Them Within Us" ------------------------- ----------------------------- 06-02-06
264. ------"Become like Me, Become like Me, Become like Me." ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- 06-03-06 (
265. -------"Use God Within You To Get To God Within You, Not What God Has Discarded On The Outside of You", and, "Make God's Intention Your Search, And Then Intend As God Intends", and, "Establish The Presence of God Within You Before You Say or Do or Write Anything" ------------------------------------ 06-04-06 (
266. ------"The Opposite of Love is Stubbornness, And the Opposite of Anger is Suffering" --------------------------------------- 06-05-06
267. ------"Nothing Will Ever Leave You Until It Is Understood, Because Its Purpose For Being There In the First Place, Is Understanding"" ----------------------------------------- 06-11-06
268. ------"It Is Not Correct To Desire God, For That Only Maintains The Duality" and, "The Understanding of Today Becomes The Enemy of Tomorrow" and, "You Too Can Fly Within You, If You Like, For The Choice Is Yours, Not God's" ------------------------------------------ 06-13-06
269. ------"Use Our Wisdom To Destroy Our Current Lives, Not Correct Our Current Lives, And To Reveal The Life Within Our Life, The Life of Light Within Our Current Lives of Darkness, And Within That, To Reveal God Within Our Lives of Light, For The Benefit of All of The Creation of God Within Us" ------------------------------------- 06-14-06
270. -----"Anger Must Be Avoided At All Cost, Realizing That And the Opposite of Anger is Suffering" ------------------------------------- 06-15-06
271. ------"Stop Leading Us To Hell Within You, Step Back, Let God Embrace Us Within You" ---------------------------- 06-19-06 (
272. ------"Use Your 5 Levels of Wisdom To Learn About and Reveal Your 6th Level, And To Allow Your 6th to Become the 7th" --------------------------------- 06-19-06
273. ------"We Must Join In Partnership With God Within Us, In Everything That We Do, In Order to Replace "Our Presence" And "Our Story" On the "Outside" of Us, With "God's Presence" And With "God's Story" Within Us" ------------------------------------------- 06-25-06
274. ------"God Says To Us, And Only To Us, 'Catch Me If You Can'" ------------------------------------------------------------- 06-27-06 (
275. ------"God Has Already Given Us Everything, So Our Work Is To Join With God Within Us, To Correctly Use What We Already Have, Not Mistakenly Ask For Something More or New" ----------------------- 06-29-06 (
276. ------"Learning the Tariqat Prayer of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)" ------------------------------------------------- 07-02-06
277. ------"Learning to Walk The Path Within Us, By Embracing Each Thing God Places "Outside" Us, Allowing Our Current Form or Shadow To Die A Little, As Our New Form or Light Within Our Shadow Shines A Little Brighter, Causing God To Approach Us A Little Nearer" ---------------------------- 07-03-06
278. ------"Correct Service To Your Shaikh, Is Equivalent to Service To God Within You, Because In Truth "They Are All One" Within You, And In Truth, If You Like, "So Are You" Within Them"--------------------------------------------------------07-07-06
279. ------"Joining Our Wisdom Within us Against The Enemy of Our Soul, By Joining With Our Brothers And Sisters Who Know They Can Fly Within Us"------------------------------------------- 07-09-06 280. ------"Ask Not What The Fellowship Can Do For You, But What You Can Do For The Fellowship" -------------------------------- 07-12-06
281. ------"Meet The True Shaikh By First Becoming the True Disciple" ---------------------------------------- 07-15-06
282. ------"The Primary Duty of The Disciple Is To Become Truly Valuable to Everything Living Within Him" ----------------------------------------------- 07-16-06
283. ------"Experiencing the Difference Between "Our Presence" and "Our Story" on the Outside" of Us And "God's Presence' and "God's Story" Within Us, And Then Becoming "His Presence" and "His Story" Within Us, For The Benefit of All of The Creation of God Within Us" ------------------------------------- 07-17-06
284. -----"The Baby Still In The Mother's Womb Does Not Know His Parents, Until He Is Born Into The Elemental World Within Him, And Finds And Eventually Becomes Them, As All of Us Have Now Successfully Done, But "Us" Still In the "Womb of Truth" Within Us Also Do Not Know "Our True Parents", Which In Truth Is The Triple Fame Within us, Until "We" Are Allowed To Do The Same, That is, If We of This "First Birth of Darkness" Within Us, Will Only Let "Us", Will Only Let The First Birth End, And Let This "Second Birth of Light" Occur Within Us, So "We" Can Be Born Within Us, Or Re-Born Within Us, But This Time, Into The World of Truth Within "Us", And Then Find and Eventually Become Them Within "Us", All of Which In Truth Is "Our True Parents" Within "Us", That is, The Parents of Our Soul, of Our Wisdom, and of True Man Within God within Us. All of Which In Truth is The Mubarakat of God Within Us, The Wealth of The Three Worlds Within Us, f We Like, For The Choice Is Ours, Not God's" ----------------------------- 07-18-06 Available On-line: as Spiritual Chat 284 (In process) (
Review of Two Previous Sharing - that is, of Spiritual Chat 271, which is already available on-line, and of our last Sharing, of Spiritual Chat 284, which we are currently also making available on-line
Bawa. Next lets review two of our Previous Sharing, first of Spiritual Chat 271, which was given the following Title:
"Stop Leading Us To Hell Within You, Instead, Step Back On The "Outside" of Us, And Let God Embrace Us From Within You".
Bawa. Which is from 06-19-06, and Spiritual Chat 284, from 7-18-06, almost a month later, the Title of which is quite long, and is listed above, and in its short form, is listed below, as,
"The Baby Still In The Mother's Womb Does Not Know His Parents, Until He Is Born Into The Elemental World Within Him, And Finds And Eventually Becomes Them, As All of Us Have Now Successfully Done, But "Us" Still In the "Womb of Truth" Within Us Also Do Not Know "Our True Parents", Which In Truth Is The Triple Fame Within us, Until "We" Are Given The Chance, To Do The Same, That is, If We of This "First Birth of Darkness" Within Us, Will Only Let "Us", That is, Will Only Let This "Us of This Second Birth of Light" Within Us, Occur Within Us"
Bawa. We have selected these two for review because, from one perspective, they were the best of them all, that is, they were the most clear, about the task at hand, that is, for "Us" to truly use the Light within us, Not the Darkness within us, to bring Forward the Light from within us, which is the Title of this Spiritual Letter, as follows:
"The Light, Not The Darkness, Brings Forward The Light From Within Us"
Bawa. And until we can do this within us, that is, to use the Light Within us, to do this "Heart's Work" within us, in partnership with God within us, at least to use the Light within our dearest loving brothers and sisters on the "outside" of us, who may be a little ahead of us in this regard, to dispel the darkness within us, by helping "Us" stay focused.
Bawa. For example, by learning how to join in partnership with God within us, before we "Say or Do or Write" anything on the "outside" of us, as this child has learned to do, in order to return the Light to within us, so the Darkness within us will leave all by itself, and not to continue to do, what Many of My Children are still mistakenly trying to do, and that it, by "Working for wages to get into heaven". For example, by trying to become good, or wise, or helpful, before we have truly re-established our direct connection to God within us, all of which will only keep us on an Express Train to hell within us, to an eternal hell within us of "separation from" God within us. It is just this simple.
Review of Spiritual Chat 271:
Bawa. First, as we have shared in Spiritual Chat 271, which you can access on-line by click above or HERE (www.SpiritualChat271.homestead), the following Wisdom Point, which lays the foundation for everything that follows in our life, which we have Summarized as Topic 4, in the "Outline & Summary Version" of "Spiritual Chat 271",
"4. Each of You Have Three Aspects - The Shadow, the Light, and the Power, and in truth you are all three, not just the Shadow that you are currently putting all of your focus and effort into, which is you living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, all of which is "Just Not True"
Bawa. Please read over again this "Outline & Summary Version" of "Spiritual Chat 271" ( to become clear on this point, make a copy of the above, and read it each morning when you get up, and before you go to bed each night.
Bawa. And in this way, gradually,m ever so gradually expanding "Who you are", to include not just the Shadow that you are currently experiencing as "Who you are", which is your current life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, but all of which in truth is within you, as the lives of darkness and evil that have grown within you, in your ignorance, and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and now rule over you, as the 9 openings of your elemental body.
Bawa. And all of which in truth is within God within you, and all of what God is doing within you, that is, with what is "Within God" within you, which is telling and trying to bring to Completion "His Story" within you, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, all of which in truth is "God's Bank" within God for "You", that is, for "You" as the Child of Light within you, to allow the Child of Light to become born into the "World of Truth" within you, which then becomes what is "Within God" within you, allowing the Child of Light within God within you, to go in search of, find, and become "One with" God, within God within you.
Bawa. And in this way, establishing True Man within God within you, and "True Man's Bank", within "God's Bank" within God within you, which in truth is akhirah within the dunya within you, is in truth Allah Muhammad within the Nur Muhammad within you, is the "School of Light" within the "School of Contrast" within us, is the Soul of True Man within the Soul of Muhammad within you, is the "Seed of Islam" within the "Fruit of Iman-Islam" on the Tree of Iman within you. Please know this now, and start to act accordingly, that is, while "you" still can. Amen.
Bawa. That is, if "you" as the life of darkness and evil within you, will only let Him, will only let Him be born, as the Child of Light within God within you. That is, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen.
Bawa. And in this way, to also include, the Light, and the Power of God within you, as "Who you are", which in truth is the Child of Light still hidden within the "Womb of Truth" within you, just waiting for "you" to join in partnership with God within you, to let it be born into the World of Truth hidden within you, so it can find and eventually become "His Parents", which is the Light and Power of God within the Creation of God within you, with you then having come "Full Circle".
Bawa. All of which is like the apple seed becoming the apple tree and its fruit, only to again become the sweet taste within the mature apple, and again the apple seed, but this time, a 1000 fold, that is, if it will only germinate to the truth within us, to the truth of us, and to the truth of God hidden within us, that is, if will only let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, letting the "you" of "us" on the "outside" of you, come to an end, so the "You" of "Us" within "Us" can begin, that is, so the apple tree hidden within the apple seed, and all of its fruits, can live, live in the earth that the apple seed is currently buried within, as "we" are currently buried within the Creation of God within us. Amen.
Bawa. And at the end of each reading, of the Summary of Topic 4 above, say the word "Bawa", establishing the "Presence of God" within us, and recite each line of the following Little Prayer, saying this Little Prayer of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) 9 times, one time for each of the 9 Names of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within you, which in truth are the 9 Stations on the Journey of each of us within us.
Bawa. That is, the Journey From: the "Oneness" that is God within us, from which we have all come, To: our current station on the illusory "outside" of us, which is "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is "Just Not True", and the Journey Back, that is, the Journey From: "our" current station of "separation & differences, Back into: the "Oneness" that is God within us, from which we have all come, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave us again.
Bawa. For this must literally become the "Manta of Truth" for our life, that is,
The Little Prayer of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) From Chapter 25: "Dhikr" (Remembrance of God) From The Book: "The Pearl of Wisdom" By: His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
"Bawa. Ill Allahu (You are Allah) Bawa. La illaha (There is nothing other than You). Bawa. Without You there is no other help, Because "I do not Exist". Bawa. You are with me, be inside my heart. Bawa. Do not be separated from me."
[Note: This Little Prayer of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), is from Chapter 25, "Dhikr", from the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (, by His Holiness, our Dearest Loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, by His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us). To access on on-line copy of Chapter 25 (, please click above or HERE. Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]
Review of Spiritual Chat 284:
Bawa. My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, as beautifully explained for "Us", in Spiritual Chat 284, within you is the Child of Light who is still in the "Womb of Truth" within us, which has not yet been born into the "World of Truth" within you, because "you won't let it", because you won't sit down on the "outside" of you, so God can stand up within you, and bring His Child of Light into the World of Light within you, so the Child of Light within you can then do the same as the Elemental Child did within us, that is, submit to the will of His Parents within you, and gradually learn from Them, and eventually complete His learning about Them, by becoming Them. Right?
Bawa. And that is the true purpose of us coming together each day, to learn to do that, to learn how to keep ourselves "Sitting down" on the "outside" of us, so God can stay "Standing Up" within us, and with our faith and trust in God within us, allow God to finish what God has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
Bawa. That is, if we will only do this 'Heart's Work" each day, of correctly coming together in His Name on the "outside" of us, so He can be there within us, so He can be "Present" within us, and tell "His Story" within us, then, and only then, will our life truly become successful in our life time. This is the purpose and point of "our" coming together, what He is doing within us, not what "we" may be doing or experiencing on the "outside" of us, all of which is really but a "Step of Faith" in God within us, a "Step of Faith" by the Shadow, in the Light and in the Power of God within it, so God within us can then "Make it So" within us, that is, so God within us, can then transcend the Shadow within us, and reveal the Light within us, and then reveal the Power within the Light within us, which in truth is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God and within True Man within us. Amen.
Bawa. All of which, that is, our faith and trust in God within us, in the Light and the Power of God within us, is what causes the Child of Light to be born into the World of Truth and Light within us, and go in search of and find and become "One with" His True Parents' within us, nothing that we may do, or not do, on the "outside" of us.
Bawa. And in this way, allowing the Child of Light within us to be born, and submit to the Will of His Parents within God within us, and gradually learn about Them, and eventually Become Them within God within us, first becoming Them within the Creation of God within us, as God within the Creation of God within Them, and then Becoming Them, as True Man within God within the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us, as the Hereafter or Next World or akhirah within us, Here and Now. Amen.
Bawa. So this must be our focus, My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, faith and trust in God within us, that if join in partnership with God within us, to come together to Step Back in "God's Name" on the "outside" of us, then God will Step Forward", God will "Be Present" within us, telling and bringing to Completion within us, His Story within us, and in this way, bringing forth His Child within us, to Complete His Intention within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, so in the end, that "No Child Will Be Left Behind", that in the end, there will be Nothing Still "separate from" God within us, realizing that in truth, "We are All One".
Bawa. That is, that "us" as the Child of darkness within us, that can now come to an end within us, if we like, and "Us" as the Child of Light within us, that can now come to life within us, again if we like, and "Us" as the Mother and Father of "Us" all, that is, once "We" as the Child of Light within God within us, truly becomes Them within us, within the Creation of God and within the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us, "Are all One".
Bawa. In this way, if we like, "We" can become the Mother and Father of both the Darkness and the Light, and of the Power of God within the Light, and of the Creation of God within us, which in truth is this Earth World of God within us, and of the Creation of True within the Creation of God within us, which in truth is the Next World within True Man within God within us, and God above it all, for in truth, "We Are all One", as the apple seed buried within the earth, the apple tree hidden within it, and the apples hidden within the apple tree, and the sweet taste and again the apple seeds hidden within each of its apples, are in truth, if they like, "All One". Amen.
Bawa. Such is the Example on the "outside" of the "Oneness of the apple tree and its apple", and the Choice that each apple seed must make, when it becomes buried within the earth, that is, to germinate or not, to the truth within it, and the Reality within each of us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man", and again the Choice, the Choice that each of us must now make, in this age, in our age, in this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen and His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), an age like none before it, and none to follow, that is, to germinate or not, to the truth within each of us.
Bawa. May we all join in partnership with God within us to make the wise Choice, and again become "One with" God within us, or at least truly start to, before we die to the flesh in our current state, and get an eternal hell within us of "separation from" God within us. May we all wise up to this truth of us, and use "whatever necessary", whatever God has given us to do this "Divine Work" within us, even if it means at this point in your journey to start using "A Louie" in this way, to "Help you make it through the Night", so God can then "Make it So" within us. Amen.
Bawa. This must be our focus, and our intention, My Dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, not anything to do with the Elemental Child who has completed his work, and has now become his parents. His work is done, and now he must make room for the Next Child, so now that work can be done, but a work that only the Next Child can do, but a work that the Next Child can only do, if we let our work in the elemental world end, if we let God use everything within us for the Next Child within us, including everything that God previously used to allow us to have a life on the "outside" of us, to allow us to learn about and go in search of our parents, to allow us to eventually become our parents.
Bawa. And this is why Bawa told this child to tell His Children to, a few years ago, which we shared with some our dearest loving brothers and sisters at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, at that time,
"Stop fighting with your Shaikh for your soul".
Bawa. For we must give up our soul, and our life, and all that we have become on the "outside" of us, willingly and freely to God within us, if our life is to now move forward again, but this time within us, as the Child of Light being born into the World of Light within us, so the Story of God within us, can move forward, but this time within us, allowing the Child of Light within us to eventually become His Parents, as we did. Ok?
Review of Louie's Morning Prayers - at the feet of God for our age, at the feet of our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us). Amen
Bawa. Next lets review and share what came into the heart of this child, during prayers this morning, that should help in understanding the importance of finding and daily standing in the Light of God for our age.
Bawa. That is, we must find the Light of God to stand in, and each day stand in that light, no matter what, either within ourselves after it has dawned within us, or within our dearest loving brothers and sisters, if it has not yet dawned within us, but has in truth dawned within them, so the Light of God within us can awaken within us, and dispel the current darkness within our heart, which is our current "presence" and our current "story" on the "outside" of us, that is, in order to dispel all of which is now preventing "God's Presence" and "God's Story" from Shinning forth from within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Ok?
Closing Comments And Love - My love you (anbu), my dearest loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters. Amen
Bawa. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
Bawa. Please give our love and salams to your dearest loving wife, and to our dearest loving sister Angela, and to your dearest loving daughter, and to our dearest loving little sister Jameela, and to your dearest loving son, and to our dearest loving brother Kareem, and to all of our dearest loving brothers and sisters of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship.
Bawa. Please tell them that Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) loves them very, very much, and that they are always in our prayers.
Bawa. And as always, please join with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, to share this sharing with them, that is, making yourself available for Their work within you, and for your work on the "outside" of you, but still behind Them within you, as Their Witness within Them within you, with "You" Witnessing how They bring Everything currently within you and on the "outside" of you to an end.
Bawa. That is, how They end the one life, the elemental life, while at the same time, out of the ashes, so to speak, bring forth the Next Life, the Light Life within God within you, gradually pulling you from the one life into the next, from the inside and the "outside" of you, to within God within "You", to within "God's Bank' within God within you, as you learn to truly "Let go", and instead, "Let God", more and more in everything that you do. And "We" will do the same. Ok?
Bawa. My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
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